It takes a tribe.

Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond

Boss Mind Therapy offers women to women mental health care through pregnancy, birth and beyond. We are offering in-home, clinic or zoom contact. 

Moments of hesitation, fear, or guilt is a normal response to creating and raising children. We understand that mothers require a peaceful and supportive environment to reach within and self-care. 

By empowering our clients to align with their values, heal emotionally and set boundaries, women emerge ready to adopt their innate qualities as Mothers. 

When women support women, magic happens. 

Pregnancy and Birth Planning

Boss Mind Therapy believes that birth is our first failure or triumph as a mother.
If we achieve the birth we envisioned, it can be beautiful.
However, if birth does not track as intended, mothers can feel out of control in an already uncertain environment.

Women cannot predict a birth nor can they control a birth. Birth is the ultimate experience of ‘letting go’, and allowing the body to perform its innate programming.
This realization can be loaded with fear and expectation.

At Boss Mind Therapy, we create a therapeutic setting for women to prepare themselves for birth and achieve a positive mindset. A soft and safe environment is created, where discouraging beliefs can be rationalized, realistic coping strategies formed and awareness of self allows mind and body to unite.

Package “Mummy in the Making”

Expose pregnancy myths, Gain confidence, Find your support network, Learn to let go, Embrace uncertainty, Strategies to fit your coping style.  

15 weeks to Birth – $69.00 per week *  

Birth and Beyond 

Society affirms at a minimum, women can claim support and care from Obstetricians and Midwives during and shortly after birth. 

Research suggests that psychological care in pregnancy, birth and beyond is beneficial in parenting and child development. 

Boss Mind Therapy advocate for a safe and supportive environment for Mother to share birth stories in all their glory and rawness. 

We unpack any traumas that may have surfaced and, possibly remain postpartum, respectful that some of these changes physically and psychologically can be difficult to navigate. 

In the initial days and weeks, the transition to motherhood is fundamental in the bond between mother and baby. 

Boss Mind Therapy offers Mothers in-home care, allowing ultimate relaxation to connect mother and baby emotionally. When Mothers are given care, support and encouraged autonomy, they will release the fear of failure, gain confidence and connect and identify with their unique Mothering flair.


Package “They call me Mummy” Birth and Beyond

Share your birth story, Trauma release, Mother and child connection techniques, Find your support network, Elevate Mummy Guilt, Reconnect with yourself, Learn to ask for support, Gain autonomy. What kind of Mother am I.

Self-paced care plan – Fees vary depending on individual needs. Sessions start at $145.00 *

Available to add to any existing package.

Zoom session for labouring Mum at home 

  • Zoom Birth suite session – between 7 am and 6 pm ONLY

  • In-person Birth session - between 7 am and 6 pm ONLY, local to Brisbane ONLY

  • Hypnotherapy recording to enjoy at home or birth

*Sessions can be held in the comfort of your own home, in our homely clinic space or Zoom meeting from your preferred location. Travel expenses applicable, available to Brisbane. 

My Midwives and Michelle

In 2016 I was lucky to have Michelle from My Midwives guide me through my second pregnancy and successful, calm birth.

During my time with My Midwives, I was supported, both emotionally and physically. 

After my calm birth with Michelle, I realised that I had experienced a psychological trauma in my first birth. I was manifesting as a shadow of depression hanging over my parenting experiences and stealing away my ability to be happy. 

So, I started my journey to well mindedness. I tried many self-help modalities, from yoga, kundalini dance, keeping active, returning to work, prescription medication, holistic medication, health retreats and getting regular breaks for myself. None seemed to touch on my core need for freedom from self-criticism, the kind that lasts a lifetime. 

Until I discovered a dynamic mix of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy, cleansing my mind of past trauma and eliminating the pressure of future expectations.

Boss Mind Therapy is my trials and errors, hard work, years of study, and learning experience. 

I want to help others, and I am honoured to partner with My Midwives, the place where my healing journey began.

“When women support women, magic happens.” 

Visit the My Midwives website here.
